Funding and Grant Opportunities for Tribes
HUD Office of Native American Programs

The Office of Native American Programs administers six funding programs to Native American tribes, Alaskan villages, and Hawaiian Homelands. Among these programs are:
- Indian Housing Block Grant (IHBG)
- Section 184 Indian Home Loan Guarantee Program
- Indian Community Development Block Grant (IHDBG)
- Title VI Loan Guarantee Program
California Department of
Housing and Community Development
Native American Tribal Affairs

Tribal Affairs at the California Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD) seeks to meaningfully partner with California tribes and Tribally Designated Housing Entitles (TDHEs) to improve access to state housing and infrastructure funding programs. This is part of the State’s ongoing effort to rebuild its relationship with tribes, and to be considerate and inclusive of the needs and input of tribal communities throughout California.